Sorry about not being able to share the news of the grade 6 presentation, on Monday, but I'll just tell you now. So I'd just like to congratulate the School Captains for 2010 Adele Mackie, and Nathan Pendleburry, they really deserved it, and I'm sure they'll do a great job! In addition to the School Captains 14 people were awarded with the role of Senior Minister in the School Parliament and I was lucky enough to be one out of the 14. The Senior Minsters have been to many meetings already discussing the new plans for Rowville here, and will be going on a Parliament trip to Parliament house next Tuesday. There we will be learning a few more skills on how to be a better leader. Also on Monday we had House Captains. There was a boy and a girl for each individual house. And there are 6 different Houses. I am in Bergin the red house.
Tomorrow is the School Cross Country, so everybody from grades 4-6 who attend Rowville Primary, get your running shoes on and don't eat too much in the morning! Good Luck!